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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The abandoned movie set of Cameron's 'The Abyss'

One of the locations used for the filming of the 1989 science fiction film 'The Abyss' was Cherokee Nuclear Power Plant, an uncompleted nuclear power plant on Owensby Road, near Gaffney, South Carolina. There, director James Cameron constructed the largest underwater filming set ever built. It took 7 million US gallons (26,000 m3) of water to fill the tank to a depth of 40 feet (12 m). 

After filming, the set was left abandoned, as the cost of deconstruction was considered too high. It became a destination for urban explorers until it was finally demolished in 2007. 

SEE ALSO: More abandoned film sets from around the world // More abandoned places in the United States // LIST OF ALL DESERTED PLACES 
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(Click here for the full post) 



  1. sucks i didn't get a chance to see this. must have been awesome.

  2. Did they really destroy everything this place is right behind my house.

  3. I have read your entire blog from newest to oldest and for some reason, this one creeps me out the most.

  4. I've read your entire blog from newest to oldest and for some reason this creeps me out the most. I love all the pics but it gave me a very cold isolated feeling.


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