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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Europe's abandoned border crossings

In 1995, the Schengen agreement took effect liberating travel between 7 European countries. Since then, more countries have been added and today 26 countries, members of the Schengen Area, have abolished border controls and share a common visa policy. 

As border checkpoints between these countries are no longer needed, many of them have been abandoned. Spanish photographer Ignacio Evangelista travelled around Europe to take photos of those abandoned border checkpoints for his award-winning project "After Schengen". 

SEE ALSO: More abandoned border crossings around Europe // LIST OF ALL DESERTED PLACES 
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Rattersdorf - Köszegcs Austria - Hungary

Portalet Spain - France

Hardegg - Cizov Austria - Czech Republic

Eisenberg - Vaskeresztes Austria - Hungary

Ždarky-Pstrazna Czech Repuplic - Poland